About me

Hi, I’m Andy T. Welcome to the Andy T Channel.

Most of my life has been involved with travel in some way or another. Now, I’m settled in Brisbane and working full-time as a learning designer. I enjoy exploring on my time off and when I get the chance, I love visiting Tasmania and I dream of returning to Spain.

The ’T’ stands for my last name, Tope. While working with several other Andys, I was dubbed ‘Andy T’ and the name stuck.

Things I enjoy doing include visual design/communication, reading, eating (especially anything with pesto on it), listening to music, walking, being silly, writing, photography, exploring, nature, drinking beer, going to restaurants/cafes/pubs, watching K-dramas and gaming.

Some of my heroes are: George Orwell, Laurie Lee, Rick Stein, Nils Frahm, Hania Rani, Roger Moore, Audrey Tautou and Abigail King.

I also love hanging out with my family and going on adventures with my cocker spaniel Cookie.

Thanks for stopping by!

A few more facts about me…

I’m a qualified chef.

One of my favourite jobs was as a bicycle courier in London.

Reading Tintin first inspired me to travel, as did my mum’s novel about my adventurous cousin.

I’m a hispanophile – I backpacked through South America for six months, later studied in Mexico City for six months as part of my undergraduate degree, and crashed on my friend’s couch in Barcelona for three months following this trip. More recently, I lived in Spain with my family and worked as an ESL teacher.

My favourite country outside of Australia is Spain and my favourite Spanish city is Gijon.

My favourite Australian state is Tasmania and my favourite Australian city is Brisbane.

Other Australian capital cities I’ve lived in include Darwin, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. I’m originally from Sydney.

Anthropology and ancient history (which I majored in at university) are interests of mine, which is why you’ll find the ‘mystery’ section on this site.

Some travel adventures include: having a jaguar circle our camp in the Amazon; travelling in a third-class train across Northern India; contracting myiasis on my Amazon trip.

My favourite camping experience to date is in Ormiston Gorge. I didn’t take any photos.